Do you read blogs through Google Reader? You've probably heard that it won't be available in a couple of days. Have you decided what you'll use instead?
I don't read blogs through a reader, but I know a lot of you do, so I want to help you decide what you'll do next, if you haven't already.
First though, I want to remind all of you (whether you use Google Reader or not) of all the ways you can keep up with my posts, connect with me, and get even more organizing ideas and tips!
All of these options are in the side bar on the right.
1. Subscribe by email. This is the best way to ensure you never miss a post. Every time I publish a new blog post, you'll get an email delivered to your inbox with a link to the post. All you have to do is open the email and click the link. Simple.
To choose this option, just put your email address where it says "Follow Me" on the right side of this page and click submit. You'll have to confirm that you really want to subscribe and then you're done!
2. Follow me on Pinterest. I share tons of organizing ideas here! I've got boards for most spaces in your homes as well as boards for things like DIY organizers, labels, organizing products, blogging tips, and of course decluttering. A lot of what I read every day, gets pinned. And all my blog posts get pinned to my Blog Posts board {good name for it eh?!}
Just click the "Follow me on Pinterest" button on the right!
3. Add me to your circles on Google+. Again, I share all my blog posts here, as well as organizing tips and ideas from time to time. Circle the blog's page so I can circle you back!
Just click the "Follow" button on the right!
4. Follow me on Facebook. I always share my blog posts on Facebook. Plus, other fun organizing ideas, tips, and questions. You even get a sneak peak at upcoming blog posts sometimes!
The only thing I don't like about Facebook is that not everyone sees everything I post (like less than 1/4 of you!) because of Facebook's fun sharing algorithm. So, if you like my page on Facebook, please make sure that you also hover over the "Liked" button and choose "Show in News Feed" AND click on "Setting" and then choose "All Updates" {this is a fairly new feature so you may not have done it before - the default is "Most Updates" but who really know how many that is!}.
It's really simple and it only takes a few seconds to do all this. It's your best chance to see updates from the pages you've liked. Alternatively, you can create interest lists (that's what I've done) and add my page to one of them {you just have to remember to click the lists to read them!}.
5. Subscribe in a Reader. If you already follow other blogs or publications this way, then this is a great option for you.
If you click "Subscribe in a reader" you will see a variety of options. Choose the one you like!
6. Join this site using Google Friends Connect or Linky Followers. Again, if you already follow other blogs this way, then it's a great option.
Just click the appropriate link on the right and sign in.
You can choose one or more of these options to make sure you're receiving all the organizing tips and ideas I'm sharing! I try to keep things different on each social media site so if you follow all 3 places you won't be seeing the same things over and over :)
It's not all about me though, or following THIS blog! I don't want you to miss posts from any of your favourite blogs :)
For those of you who are losing Google Reader {and
If you're looking for a replacement reader for Google Reader, there are several great options out there. I don't use any of them so I don't want to recommend any particular one. But here are a bunch of bloggers who have given the the pros and cons of some popular choices.
- Finding An Alternative to Google Reader: What You Need to Know! (gives pros and cons of several options)
- 7 Reasons I Piced Feedly to Replace Google Reader (includes a link to a tutorial on switching from Google Reader to Feedly)
- How to Move Your Google Reader RSS Feed to Bloglovin' (just like it says... it shows you how to switch to Bloglovin')
I've also pinned other Google Reader replacement options on my Blogging Tips board on Pinterest. Check them out to find what you need!
Whatever method(s) you choose, I'm thankful you follow From Overwhelmed To Organized!
Let me know if you have any questions about any of the options for following. You can always comment on a blog post. Or if you'd prefer to communicate privately, my email is: organizerhilda {at} gmail {dot} com.
How do you follow your favourite blogs? If you have been using Google Reader, have you made the switch yet to another reader? Or are you choosing another method to follow blogs?
Happy organizing!

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