Happy Earth Day! One of the ways I love to take care of the planet is to use Freecycle. It's such a great place to give away things you no longer need, use, or love, rather than sending them to a landfill. It's also a wonderful way to find things that you're looking for, rather than buying them new.
In honour of Earth Day, I thought I'd share another "I Love Freecycle!" post so I can to share with you some of my latest finds and show some things I've given away. You can see my previous I Love Freecycle posts here, for more on how Freecycle works and why I love it so much.
Here's a golf calendar I received in mid-December. {I didn't realize how far behind I was on Freecycle posts until I looked through my pictures!}.
It was brand new, still in its package! I guess the person who Freecycled it {yep, I'm making up verbs!} had too many calendars or something.
I gave the calendar to my hubby for Christmas. Gotta love Freecycle! He liked looking at all the challenging golf holes, especially since at the time it was the middle of winter and golf seemed a long way off. {Side note: it's finally a nice day around here and we noticed our local driving range is open for the season. Can't wait to get out there!}
Check out the price... $16.99! Not bad for free :)
The calendar is hanging in our basement beside our desk. You may have seen it in several of my office posts.
Why the basement you ask? Well, we already have our family calendar in the kitchen command centre, and the kids have their own calendars in their bedrooms. And in our bedroom we have this one!
This M. C. Escher calendar came from Freecycle too! I got it about a week after the other one. Calendars can be really expensive (this one was also $16.99) so I was thrilled to find two of them for free on Freecycle.
{Another side note: our bedroom wall looks pink in this picture but it's really more of a neutral light peach. You can see the colour better in my Purging and Storing Leftover Paint post. It's the one called "Precocious".}
I've always been intrigued by M. C. Eshcer's work. I've had calendars with his work before and I've even turned some of them into artwork for our walls.
Aren't they incredible? We debated between putting the Escher calendar in our room or the golf one but this one won out. For now. Maybe we'll switch in July or something because we love them both. Oh the dilemmas caused by Freecycle :)
In addition to receiving great things on Freecycle, I've given away some useful items for others to enjoy. You may remember these items from when I organized my linen closet.
The sheets, bedskirt, and comforter went to a lady with a little girl who had just moved from a toddler bed into a twin bed. I love when I find out something about who is requesting items on Freecycle. The towels and toiletries went to other happy Freecyclers {yep, more new words!}.
I also Freecycled several boxes of books.
You may remember this picture from an Organizing Ideas for the Weekend post from last fall about de-clutterering. I said at the time that I was donating these boxes of books and the bags with clothing and other items to the Clothesline truck for Diabetes. It turns out they didn't want the books that day (they've taken them other times but apparently sometimes they don't).
But I was determined not to bring them back in my house so I posted them that day on Freecycle. And by the end of the day they were gone. Have I mentioned how much I love Freecycle?
So there you go. Two free calendars for me! Can't beat that in January :) And new homes for things that I no longer need. I love how Freecycle helps the environment by keeping things out of landfills. And it's great for our pocketbook :)
What are you doing to help the environment today or any day? What's the best thing you've ever found on Freecycle (or a thrift store/garage sale)? Let me know and maybe I'll feature you in a future post in the series!
Happy organizing!

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